- 2021.07.08
- プレスリリース
*English version is below.
今後の社会基盤を担う5Gネットワークの整備においては、4G以前と比較して膨大な数の基地局が必要になると見込まれており、通信業界全体に資する効率的かつ経済的なインフラシェアリングソリューションの提供に向けて、株式会社JTOWER(本社: 東京都港区、代表取締役社長:田中 敦史、以下 JTOWER)と、日本電信電話株式会社(本社:東京都千代田区、代表取締役社長:澤田 純、以下NTT)は、既存インフラの活用も含めて検討を進めてきたところであります。
今回、その取り組みの一環として、西日本電信電話株式会社(本社: 大阪府大阪市中央区、代表取締役社長: 小林 充佳、以下 NTT西日本)において、保有通信鉄塔71基をJTOWERへ売却する基本契約を締結しました。


(3)代表者:田中 敦史
(4)事業内容:国内外における通信インフラシェアリング 等
(3)代表者:小林 充佳
(4)事業内容:西日本エリアにおける電気通信業務、附帯業務、目的達成業務 等
(3)代表者:澤田 純
(4)事業内容:NTTグループ全体の経営戦略の策定及び基盤的研究開発の推進 等
<Press release>
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone West Corporation
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation
JTOWER and NTT West announced tower carve outs for Infra-Sharing
The expansion of 5G networks, which will take an important role of social infrastructure in the future, is expected to need the deployments of an enormous number of base stations compared to 4G. JTOWER Inc. (“JTOWER”) and Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (“NTT”) have been considering measures including the utilization of existing infrastructures in order to provide efficient and economical Infra-Sharing solutions that contribute to the telecommunications industry.
As part of these initiatives, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone West Corporation (“NTT West”) signed the master transaction agreement to sell 71 owned telecommunications towers to JTOWER.
The contracts of the existing tenants of each tower will be successively transferred from NTT West to JTOWER from September 2021.
<Image of tower carveouts transaction>

<Roles of each company>
In addition to the indoor Infra-Sharing and the outdoor tower sharing, JTOWER has positioned the carve out of existing towers owned by telecommunications companies as one of its key growth strategies. Going forward, JTOWER will further expand carve out transactions for telecommunications towers owned by telecommunications companies. As an Infra-Sharing provider, we will promote the effective use of socially important telecommunications infrastructures by strengthening our business activities to attract telecommunications companies, including mobile network operators. This will lead to the early development of 5G networks, the optimization of capital expenditures, and the resolution of social issues such as the reduction of environmental impact. JTOWER will promote socially meaningful businesses that bring value to all stakeholders.
NTT Group will provide JTOWER and telecommunications companies attracted by JTOWER with assets owned by NTT Group, such as optical fibers required for 5G networks and NTT’s telephone office building spaces required for the installation of telecommunications equipment. In addition, NTT Group will leverage its many years of experience in the telecommunications business to support operations such as the construction and maintenance of telecommunications network, to contribute to the early development of 5G networks and the optimization of capital expenditures.
<Image of telecommunications tower>